Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Denver Trip

The Denver trip was our first real vacation as a family and the kids had a blast, after K's appointment of course! On Friday night we went to Casa Bonita, which is a fun mexican restaurant for kids. Definitely don't go for the food, but the atmosphere for little ones is like nothing else. They have cliff divers, puppet shows, jeweled caves, charicature artist and a mariachi band. Saturday morning we went to the Downtown Aquarium which was just amazing. We spent over three hours going through all the exhibits and at the end there was a sting ray petting pool and a place for the kids to get their faces painted. There is also a restaurant attached to the aquarium that the kids just loved. An entire wall of the restaurant is an aquarium so you ate while looking at the fish. I have attached a video of pics from the trip - I hope it will show up on the blog!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Denver Appointment

What a trip we had! The purpose of our family trip to Denver was to meet and see Dr. Kay for Katelyn. He and his staff were so good to her, we knew he was a good doctor from Craig (Dr. Kay is his doctor as well), but they were really caring and suportive to a family they were meeting for the first time. I have decided to put all of the kids' medical updates on a caring bridge site, that you are able to recieve email updates from when I update it. The website is:
Below is a picture of Katelyn with Dr. Kay - she really enjoyed him!
I will post more pictures of our trip soon!! Really tried to make a fun weekend out of it for the kids and they both were such troopers it made it a trip to remember!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Update on cardiologist appointments

In mid-December Lee and I took the kids to their cardiologist appointment in Wichita. This was only the 2nd time Cameron has had to go, but this was also Katelyn's usual every 6 monther. Cameron's Aortic Valve seems to be holding up well - it still isn't normal, but is technically "functioning" normal. They are not worried about him right now; in fact we don't have to take him back until he is 3 years old to get checked again.

Katelyn on the other hand had a little bit more of an upsetting checkup. She has been so active, eating well and getting taller that we hadn't suspecting anything would be different from the appointment 6 months prior. But we were wrong. Katelyn's gradient mean across her mitral valve increased substantially from the last visit. A typical mitral valve would have a mean of 0. The gradient mean pressures increase depending on how severe the stenosis of the mitral valve is. 0 – 4 is mild, 4 – 6 is moderate, 6 – 10 is high and anything over a 10 is considered severe! After Katelyn’s heart surgery at 19 months old the doctors were able to get her down to the moderate level, but a short 3 months later she was back up above a 10. She has maintained at a 10 – 12 for the past two years. On this previous checkup she ranged from a 14 – 17 which is just so hard for us to believe based on how she has been doing on the “outside”.

Because her gradient mean increased by so much in such a short time it has also affected other parts of her heart. Dr. Allen said it was obvious during the echo that her Left Atrium has increased in size because of the pressures. He also was able to determine that the pressures in her lungs HAVE NOT increased yet. This is a very good thing right now, for if her pressures had increased with the other changes we would be looking at a valve transplant immediately. Dr. Allen sent off her results to the Kansas City surgeons that did Katelyn’s previous surgery and they agree that for now we need to just keep a close eye on her and her lung pressures. So for now we are waiting for her next 6 month appointment towards the beginning of summer and praying that somehow (although we were told unlikely) that her gradient mean goes down and her chambers return to their proper size. We have also decided while we are waiting we are going to go to Denver to get a second opinion from Craig's cardiologist there. We have an appointment with him on January 21st. There is no way I could send Katelyn in to have a valve transplant without making sure it was absolutely the right move.

She has been a little sicker this winter than normal, but so have the rest of us so we didn’t think much of it at the time. Dr. Allen has attributed some of this due to Katelyn’s heart and that we need to be cautious about just labeling things she is battling with as colds, but rather it could be her heart and lungs struggling to keep up with her. We were given our list of things to watch again and among other things we are supposed to try to get her to gain weight. She really has grown the past 6 months upwards and is rather tall for her age, but super skinny. Dr. Allen said he wasn’t happy with how tiny she currently is. So we are back to trying to up her calorie intake even more. She really eats very well for someone her age. Her little heart just has to work so hard that her body burns up those calories like no other – plus my mom and I have decided she has my Great Papa Ackerman’s metabolism (we are jealous)! J

I know I have done a horrible job of keeping everyone in the loop on Katelyn, but to be honest it has taken some time to adjust to. I had gotten so used to going to her checkups and hearing the usual, “well it doesn’t look normal, but she is doing what we would like”. To hear this last time that we may be facing a difficult procedure in the near future was heartbreaking. A mitral valve transplant is the most difficult of all the valves to replace and there are several decisions to be made when the time comes that are not going to be easy and ones that no parent should have to make. But I also know how strong and brave my little angel is and we will get through whatever we have to – I’m not losing her. To close, I ask all of you prayer warriors out there to add Katelyn to your list please. I will be sure to update after our January 21st appointment with the results from Denver.

Gingerbread houses

For the past three years my mom and I have done gingerbread houses with Katelyn so this year we got Cameron into the mix.. okay so I guess I did the train and Grandma and Katelyn did the house, but I wanted Cameron to have something boyish. He would have been just fine with eating it all.

Christmas Break #2

Our week was spent creating our own fun indoors as it was too cold to go outside much and both kids had been battling colds the past few weeks. Katelyn worked with her new laptop (that lasted about two days!), while laying on her new pillow. Cameron loved running around the house in his reindeer ears. We even got a little snow for the holidays and Katelyn was so excited about helping daddy shovel the driveway. She used our fireplace shovel and really got into it! She was only outside for MAYBE ten minutes, but was beet red when she came back in from the cold. She is such a go getter it is hard for us to remember we need to watch her and her heart and how much she exerts herself.
Katelyn working away on her letters.

I love my little brother! Even if he does look silly!

Katelyn out shoveling the driveway!

Rosei cheeks and nose = too cold for me!!

Holiday Break #1

For the next week the kids and I were able to relax and just enjoy some time together and with family. Craig and Ashley were able to stay a couple days so Katelyn and Cameron got to play with them some. Below is a picture of Aunt Ashley, Grandma and Katelyn playing with her Play Doh Cake Making Station! Go Ashley!
Cameron loves to play with Papa - all boy for sure! He still likes to snuggle with his mama though!

Santa Came...

Christmas morning Katelyn was just a riot! Running up and down the hall yelling Christmas is here! Christmas is here!! She was so excited this year and really got into it all. Below is a picture of the kids with their gifts from Santa(red packages).

Below is a picture of the kids with their "haul" from just our house! Where am I going to put all this stuff!!! Oh well - they had a blast and so did we.

Christmas Eve

After our trip to Canada we made it back late the night of the 23rd and then up early the following day to do Christmas with the Ackerman's side. The kids had a great day, I have video of it, but for some reason video clips are acting up on the blog so I will hold off on adding it. I do have some pictures of Christmas Eve back at our place. It is our tradition that Katelyn, Mamma, and I bake peanut butter cookies for Santa and Katelyn puts the Hersey's kisses in them. She was very peticular about her job this year(another year older and growing up so fast!). So we always leave Santa a plateful with some milk and this year Cameron got in the mix by picking out a cookie for Santa too. After so kindly setting the cookie on the plate, Cameron snatched off the chocolate kiss and took off. We managed to get him back in the kitchen for a picture with the evidence running down his chin. He thought he was hilarious. Katelyn was a little upset with brother for stealing from Santa so when we left the cookies, Cameron's was the only one the next morning that Santa didn't eat since it was missing its chocolate! Ahhh kids! The second picture is of Katelyn moving our Santa Key to the front door so Santa can let himself in. The key is only placed on the door handle Christmas Eve.
Katelyn placing Santa's Key on our front door Christmas Eve!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Time in Canada..

While there we were able to see several people and family we hadn't seen in years. Al and Pat threw an open house get together on Sunday and several friends and family made it by for a chat. That evening Al's brother and family dropped Great Grandpa Les off at the house who had made the trip from Saschatuwan. It was so good to spend time with him again and for him to meet the kids - he endured a long day at West Edmonton Mall with all three great-grandkids, Al, Jay, Lee and I. Below is a picture of Cameron and Great Grandpa Les playing doctor - poor Les is getting a shot!

Katelyn and Grandpa Al playing airplane - the day after we arrived. Grandpa Al had her convinced it was necessary to plug her nose and cover her ears at certain parts of the flight

Annie and I at the open house! It was absolutely wonderful to see her and Kyle again! WE MISS YOU BOTH!!

Cousin Blake..

Being the first trip to Canada for the kids, meant the first meeting of Cousin Blake. We have done several webcams where the kids have seen each other, but it just isn't the same. Blake is about 6 weeks younger than Cameron so it was really neat to see their similarities and differences in their personalitites. Auntie Erin and Uncle Jay had both met Katelyn before, but this was their first time to meet Cam as well. They were both soo good to Katelyn and Cam, Katelyn kept them both quite busy with her never ending source of ideas and games to play!

Erin and Katelyn take a quick pic after doing their hair!

Jay at the kids table playing cars with K and Blake.

Blake is really a reader - he likes his books!